Past Award Recipients After its founding, one of the chapter's first activities was to establish an Iowa Conservation Award of Merit. This award, provisions for which was a part of our original constitution, was designed to recognize a living individual for his or her contributions to conservation in Iowa. In 1966 the first Iowa Conservation Hall of Fame Award winners were named. This new award was to recognize national and local conservationists in all walks of life. The individuals named must have had some association with Iowa in their careers, and the award may be given posthumously. Listed are the names and years of induction of recipients of these awards: |
Iowa Conservation Award of Merit
Iowa Conservation Hall of Fame Award |
Year | Recipient |
2025 | Ron Andrews |
2025 | Pauline Drobney |
2024 | Rod Marlatt |
2024 | Carl Kurtz |
2023 | Matt O'Connor |
2023 | Pat Schlarbaum |
2022 | Richard Bishop |
2020 | Allen Farris |
2020 | Larry Wilson |
2017 | James Wooley |
2016 | Willie Suchy |
2015 | Mark Ackelson |
2015 | William Clark |
2014 | Bruce Ehresman |
2014 | Guy Zenner |
2009 | Mary Lundby |
2001 | Edwin E Klaas |
1994 | James J. Dinsmore |
1991 | Philip A. DuMont |
1990 | Paul Johnson |
1988 | Thomas Scott |
1982 | Jack W. Musgrove |
1981 | Fred Priewert |
1981 | Kenneth Kakac |
1977 | Edward Kozicky |
1977 | John Madsen |
1977 | Ken Madden |
1977 | Robert Barratt |
1975 | Milton Weller |
1974 | Glen Yates |
1972 | Dr. Keith McNurlen |
1972 | Sylvan Runkel |
1971 | Everett B. Speaker |
1971 | George E. Knudson |
1971 | John Aikman |
1971 | John Fletcher Lacey |
1970 | Justin W. Leonard |
1970 | Maynard Reece |
1968 | Arthur H Carhart |
1968 | Bruce Stiles |
1968 | George O. Hendrickson |
1968 | Ira N. Gabrielson |
1968 | Kenneth D Carlander |
1968 | Margaret J. Black |
1967 | Ada Hayden |
1967 | Aldo Leopold |
1967 | Bohomil Shimek |
1967 | Henry E Jaques |
1967 | Henry S. Conard |
1967 | J.N. (Ding) Darling |
1967 | Joseph E. Guthrie |
1967 | Logan J. Bennett |
1967 | Louis H. Pammel |
1967 | Paul E. Errington |
1967 | Thomas C. Stephens |
1967 | Thomas H. Macbride |
1967 | Wm. Temple Hornady |
1966 | Arnold O. Haugen |
1966 | Frank Mendell |