Iowa Chapter of The Wildlife Society

Past Award Recipients

After its founding, one of the chapter's first activities was to establish an Iowa Conservation Award of Merit. This award, provisions for which was a part of our original constitution, was designed to recognize a living individual for his or her contributions to conservation in Iowa.

In 1966 the first Iowa Conservation Hall of Fame Award winners were named. This new award was to recognize national and local conservationists in all walks of life. The individuals named must have had some association with Iowa in their careers, and the award may be given posthumously. Listed are the names and years of induction of recipients of these awards:

Iowa Conservation Award of Merit



 2025Dr. Stephen Dinsmore  
 2024Holly Carver 
 2023 Dr. Adam Janke
 2022Larry Zach
 2022Susanne Hickey


Scott Moats 


 Dr. Gary Liebsch
 2016  Brian Sauer
 2015  Loren Lown
 2014  Andrew Huck
 2014  Dale Garner
 2012  Rolf Koford
 2010  Ron Andrews
 2001  Wiliam R. Clark
 1996  Jim Kienzler
 1993  Arthur Roseland
 1993  Doug Harr
 1991  Cindy Hildebrand
 1991  Erwin E. Klass
 1990  Paul Johnson
 1988  Ronald G. Howing
 1988  Stephen W. Pitt
 1986  James J. Dinsmore
 1985  Dennis Black
 1982  Thomas Moore
 1978  Edwin G. Crocker
 1977  Gerald Schnepf
 1975  Ken Kakac
 1972  David L Tieden
 1971  David L. Trauger
 1970  Harold G. Lincoln
 1969  Robert C. Russell
 1968  Sen. Alden Erskine
 1967  Fred T Schwob
 1966  Galen Smith
 1965  Gov. Harold Hughes
 1964  John Aikman

 Earl Rose

Iowa Conservation Hall of Fame Award

 Year Recipient
 2025 Ron Andrews
2025 Pauline Drobney
 2024 Rod Marlatt
 2024Carl Kurtz 
 2023 Matt O'Connor
 2023 Pat Schlarbaum
 2022 Richard Bishop
2020Allen Farris 
 2020Larry Wilson 
 2017 James Wooley
 2016 Willie Suchy
 2015 Mark Ackelson
 2015 William Clark
 2014 Bruce Ehresman
 2014 Guy Zenner
 2009 Mary Lundby
 2001 Edwin E Klaas
 1994 James J. Dinsmore
 1991 Philip A. DuMont
 1990 Paul Johnson
 1988 Thomas Scott
 1982 Jack W. Musgrove
 1981 Fred Priewert
 1981 Kenneth Kakac
 1977 Edward Kozicky
 1977 John Madsen
 1977 Ken Madden
 1977 Robert Barratt
 1975 Milton Weller
 1974 Glen Yates
 1972 Dr. Keith McNurlen
 1972 Sylvan Runkel
 1971 Everett B. Speaker
 1971 George E. Knudson
 1971 John Aikman
 1971 John Fletcher Lacey
 1970 Justin W. Leonard
 1970 Maynard Reece
 1968 Arthur H Carhart
 1968 Bruce Stiles
 1968 George O. Hendrickson
 1968 Ira N. Gabrielson
 1968 Kenneth D Carlander
 1968 Margaret J. Black
 1967 Ada Hayden
 1967 Aldo Leopold
 1967 Bohomil Shimek
 1967 Henry E Jaques

 Henry S. Conard

 1967 J.N. (Ding) Darling
 1967 Joseph E. Guthrie
 1967 Logan J. Bennett
 1967 Louis H. Pammel
 1967 Paul E. Errington
 1967 Thomas C. Stephens
 1967 Thomas H. Macbride
 1967 Wm. Temple Hornady
 1966 Arnold O. Haugen
 1966 Frank Mendell

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