Encourage membership/participation in all levels of TWS, including chapter, section, and national.
Help recruiting and enrolling new members.
Committee Chair: Ryan Kurtz
Contact: Ryan.Kurtz@hawkeyecollege.edu
Conservation Review Committee
Review legislative proposals, administrative regulations, environmental assessments, and impact statements, and other subjects or issues affecting wildlife in Iowa.
Make recommendations to executive board regarding actions on above.
Draft responses and/or letters to legislators and administrators regarding actions above
Draft resolutions or public statements for consideration by resolution and public statements committee
Report on important conservation issues at Chapter Meetings
Committee Chair: Katy Fullin
Contact: katyreeder@gmail.com
Audit Committee
Review financial records and documents of Secretary-Treasurer at least annually
Submit written report of audit at each annual meeting and at any other business meeting following a financial audit.
Committee Chair: Travis Russell
Contact: Travis.Russell@dnr.iowa.gov
Awards Committee
Solicit nominations for Award of Merit and Hall of Fame Awards from membership
Determine choices (if any) and report results to Executive Board by the Winter Meeting.
Committee Chair: Kelsey Fleming
Contact: Kelsey.Fleming@dnr.iowa.gov
Education and Information Committee
Coordinate editing, publishing, and distribution of Chapter Newsletter (1-2 x year)
Maintain update as needed, and promote/coordinate use of Chapter Display
Provide news releases regarding award presentations, meeting/program notices, and other pertinent information regarding chapter activities.
Provide notices regarding programs and workshops to other agencies and organizations that may have an interest.
Provide content and updates for website.
Committee Chair: Pete Eyheralde
Contact: Eyheraldep@wmpenn.edu
Nominations and Elections Committee
This committee is traditionally chaired by the past president with the 2 other members being appointed by the executive board. Its function is to obtain a slate of 2 candidates for each elected position at least 60 days prior to the annual meeting in an election year.
Committee Chair: Past President
Contact: IowaTWS@gmail.com
Resolutions and Public Statements Committee
Prepare submit and recommend action on any proposed resolution or public statement submitted by 2 or more members.
Insure that any public statements or resolutions with a positive recommendation are not counter to existing National policy.